Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Third Month...

Well, Charlotte is almost three months old. CRAZY. Time has been flying yet standing still...I don't know how else to describe it. Though I did return to work briefly in late August, I have been able to spend most of Charlotte's first three months at home with her. OK, well with her and Piper, Moosie, and that jerk Caesar (dog, cat, and cat respectively). Being a stay at home mom has been amazing. I am exhausted for sure, but I'm so grateful that I could stay home this long. I feel ambivalent about returning to work--I look forward to teaching my students and working with my colleagues, yet who wouldn't want to stay home with their kid? I'm glad I like my job, or returning to work would be a lot more painful. We found a wonderful daycare provider, Mommy C, and Charlotte will be in excellent hands while we are on the job.

The latest, you ask? Well, she has been awake more during the day and sleeping through the night (5-6 hours usually) which has been WONDERFUL. She is really into her Baby Einstein light up toy that plays classical music and she also likes her Puppy Tunes toy (a stuffed dog toy with musical legs--squeeze and they play a note). She is also cooing big time. The other night I came into the house to find James and Charlotte howling like coyotes. As James went, "Ow-ooooooh..." Charlotte responded with, "Ah-ohhhhhh..." Precious. She is also laughing and smiling which makes makes my day everyday. Below I have included some pictures of her hanging out, playing, and practicing polite conversation.

James using Charlotte's burp cloth as a nun's hat.

Talking with Charlotte (as Puppy Tunes looks on).

Talking face number one...

Talking face number two, trying to use the tongue...

Talking face number three, the howl...

Charlotte and Puppy Tunes.

Charlotte punching her Puppy Tunes. Bad doggie.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Staying Home

The first six weeks of Charlotte's life I was able to stay home from work and spend all my time with her. I had asked James not to leave my side before my mom came to visit, but once she had gone back to New Mexico, I was truly on my own with Charlotte. I thought I would be overwhelmed and exhausted and freaked out--but it came pretty naturally. That's not to say that I didn't have a few melt-downs, but they were short lived and we all survived! That's better than I had hoped for! One reason it seemed easier than I anticipated, is that Charlotte slept a great deal of the time. That notion that you sleep when the baby sleeps is BS however. I cleaned, did laundry, stared at her, took care of bills, made phone calls, stared at her...

By four weeks something changed overnight. She developed COLIC. Oh my God. It came on like thunder and we are still dealing with the nightly "mini-nervous breakdown" as my pediatrician puts it. Amazingly, we have become conditioned to the crying and it's not nearly as aggravating as one would expect. Hmmm...That and when it really gets bad we walk outside with her and inevitably one of the neighbor ladies volunteers to hold her. (THANK YOU)

Here are some favorite pics of our time together at home--and some of Daddy too.

Sleepy baby, happy Mommy.

Happy Daddy too.

We call her "The Conductor" because she loves to flail her arms around like she's leading a grand orchestra.

This musical toy appealed to Charlotte--but if I hear "Oh, Susannah," or "Rag Time Gal," one more flippin' time I'm going to lose it.

Daddy's eye view.

Notice the "Angel" onsie?

Bath time. This was literally the day that she turned colicky. Everything seems calm ...

This is the first smile caught on camera and one of the first she did for me. She had smiled for Daddy and our neighbor already.
She loves her quilt! She has begun talking with it on a regular basis.

Posing before we go to the neighborhood baby shower. She stayed asleep the whole time!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Grandma Linda's Visit and Piper Poses

My mom was "on-call" to come see Charlotte since we first learned about her! When she was born, my mom was finally able to come from Taos, NM to our little corner of the world. We had a very nice visit and in addition to Mom getting to know Charlotte and vice versa, I was able to shower every day. It was fabulous. Below are some pics we took with Grandma Linda (my mom if you couldn't figure that out already) and James and Piper sharing some love. Piper has adjusted very well to Charlotte and contrary to what I was told, she has remained a huge part of our lives. We play and snuggle as often as possible, and try to let her know that she's our baby too...who's spoiled?

Now, come on--isn't she the cutest doggie in the world?

First photos with Grandma Linda.

So pretty.

James and the Pip...we love you Pip.

My friend Michelle brings her daughter Kendyl to visit. Kendyl shares a birthday with Grandma Linda, May 6.

My little cutie tootie.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Charlotte Comes Home--the first few weeks...

Hi everyone,

Here are some new pics to catch you up Charlotte's first weeks. It goes without saying that we were thrilled BEYOND words to be present at her birth and to be able to bring her home from the hospital. We felt (and still feel) an enormous amount of gratitude towards our birthmother and towards the heavens for Charlotte.

She has been a very quiet and calm baby from the start (more gratitude), which calmed and comforted us as we began to realize that we were solely responsible for this little being. After only 30 hours or so, we left the hospital and went straight to Grammy the Great's home (my grandma). She was also thrilled beyond words! After a brief photoshoot, a nap, and a bottle, James and I made the four hour drive back home with Charlotte. I of course, had to sit in the back seat and make sure she was breathing. At one point, I realized she was cold and called my friend Mindy to ask what I should do. She said that I should put a blanket on her. :)

Again we were blessed with no traffic and we arrived home safe and sound. James spent the next few days at home with Charlotte and I and we were initiated into the new and clueless parent club. I don't think we did so bad though! Her first few days were typical: sleep, eat every two hours, potty, and occasionally she opened her eyes. We had many visitors those first few days, and to those of you who brought presents, food, and good company, THANK YOU. We were so happy to show off our little miracle! Many of you also helped answer stupid new parent questions, and again THANK YOU.

On a personal note, I want to mention how well James adapted to the role of Dad. The night following her birth, he stayed in the hospital's nursery with baby Charlotte all by himself (and the nurse!) while I rested at Grandma's. On the night we brought her home, he slept on the floor of her room wrapped in a sheet, just to make sure he could hear her if she cried. And since then he has been there to feed, bathe, and comfort Charlotte when she needs it. sweet.

We were able to leave the hospital after only a day and we headed straight to Grammy the Great's home to visit. I don't know who is happier.

Snug as a bug.

Back home, Daddy gives Charlotte one of her first baths.

A few days later, Charlotte gets another bath and is ready for her close up. (Never mind the nightgown--it was my basic attire for about a month.)

Our good friend Mindy has come to meet Charlotte--only five days old. And, of course later she needs a another nap.

Doing what newborns do--enjoying a passie and looking at "things."

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Charlotte First Day with pics...

Hopefully the photos uploaded correctly. :) Like I said, a work in progress. For those of you that could not see the slide show I added pics of Charlottes birthday and below is the original post...enjoy. More pics and posts to come.

A little back story . Charlotte was born on Wednesday, June 27 at 2:14 in the afternoon. All along, I had been worried I would not be present at her birth, but by the grace of God (or Gods depending on your view) we were able to arrive in San Diego the night before. Tuesday afternoon I decided to call our birthmother and she told us she had been feeling "funny" all day and was thinking of going to the hospital. James and I decided that was good enough for us, and headed down to SD! It turned out that the drive was a breeze (not always the case driving from LA to SD). It was very surreal. On the one hand, the drive was routine--we listened to the IPOD and talked about work...but on the other hand we knew that we would be making the return trip with a BABY. Holy "bleep". I remember looking up at the moon and thinking, "This is happening. And, it's such a beautiful night. I need to remember how this feels." I asked James if we could finally talk baby names. ;)

We arrived at 10:00 pm and took our birthmom to the hospital. We were admitted and the waiting really began. All night we got conflicting messages from the nurses and doctor--she was in labor, she was in false labor, they would induce, they decided she would be sent home. I thought I was going to die, but I tried to find my inner patience (ha ha). The following morning after breakfast and a little walk through the halls, our birthmother's labor progressed. After checking her, the doctor told our birthmother very casually that they would break her water, to which I replied, "Excuse me? I don't know if I heard you correctly." To which the doctor replied, "You're going to have a baby." Woo hoo!

Three hours later, Charlotte was born. I was blessed to be there for the delivery, though a bit woozy. I really, really tried not to be! But, woozy or not, I was there. James very patiently waited in the Daddy waiting area, and met Charlotte minutes after her birth. Please enjoy the pictures of our first afternoon with Charlotte. :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Sorry guys! I heard back from a few of you that the slideshow doesn't come up. So, back to the drawing board. James, Charlotte, Piper and I are currently out in Oxnard escaping the heat of Santa Clarita. When we return home I will get on our computer and post some good old fashioned pictures. Check back in a few days and take care!

Charlotte's first day...

Hi everyone! We were having some technical difficulties with the other blog, and decided to simplify a little. Technology is not my "thing" so this is definitely a work in progress! But, we have figured out how to include a slide show (I think--let me know if you can't see it!) Over the next few weeks, I hope to go back and post some pictures and details of Charlotte's first two months. To begin with, I have made a slide show of her birthday. To those of you I have already cornered and forced my baby brag book upon, these will be old news. But, for many of you they are new.

A little back story to the slide show. Charlotte was born on Wednesday, June 27 at 2:14 in the afternoon. All along, I had been worried I would not be present at her birth, but by the grace of God (or Gods depending on your view) we were able to arrive in San Diego the night before. Tuesday afternoon I decided to call our birthmother and she told us she had been feeling "funny" all day and was thinking of going to the hospital. James and I decided that was good enough for us, and headed down to SD! It turned out that the drive was a breeze (not always the case driving from LA to SD). It was very surreal. On the one hand, the drive was routine--we listened to the IPOD and talked about work...but on the other hand we knew that we would be making the return trip with a BABY. Holy "bleep". I remember looking up at the moon and thinking, "This is happening. And, it's such a beautiful night. I need to remember how this feels." I asked James if we could finally talk baby names;)

We arrived at 10:00 pm and took our birthmom to the hospital. We were admitted and the waiting really began. All night we got conflicting messages from the nurses and doctor--she was in labor, she was in false labor, they would induce, they decided she would be sent home. I thought I was going to die, but I tried to find my inner patience (ha ha). The following morning after breakfast and a little walk through the halls, our birthmother's labor progressed. After checking her, the doctor told our birthmother very casually that they would break her water, to which I replied, "Excuse me? I don't know if I heard you correctly." To which the doctor replied, "You're going to have a baby." Woo hoo!

Three hours later, Charlotte was born. I was blessed to be there for the delivery, though a bit woozy. I really, really tried not to be! But, woozy or not, I was there. James very patiently waited in the Daddy waiting area, and met Charlotte minutes after her birth. Please enjoy the slide show of our first afternoon with Charlotte. :)