Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy New Year and Update

Hello from the Purse Family! We took a break from blogging but wanted to update everyone and tell them the latest. First of all, we are all happy and healthy and survived 2009. What a year!

Early last year, James found a new position with Powerco Electric and now he gets to shop all day. Technically he is the Purchasing Manager and does far more than spend money, but what a great job having to buy "stuff." I am still teaching (5th grade currently) and LOVING my class. They are fabulous, and smart, and sweet. I am blessed. Charlotte is growing, learning, talking, playing, pretending, dreaming, and developing into one smart kid. She can count from one to thirteen and then it starts getting iffy...but we are proud!

The biggest new of all is that we are in the process of another adoption. As of now, we have finished our paperwork with our adoption agency and we are working on our family website and birthmother letter. Both of which will help us make contact with potential birthmothers. A question I we get a lot is, "How long will it take?" The answer is that it usually takes from six to eighteen months to establish a relationship with a birthmother (or birthparents) and it goes from there. We will be sending all of you a link to our website and our on-line birthmother letter so you can see for yourself. And, of course if you have any connections with someone who is pregnant and considering adoption, let us know. :)

Below we have added some pictures from the last few months. We hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday season and Happy New Year!

Play dates with Kendly and Amy's boys (Aiden is the one getting a smooch).

Holloween (if you were confused by the tombstones and Snow White dress).

Still warm enough to go to the beach on Thanksgiving Day! Hanging out with Uncle Anthony.

Daytrip to Mount Pinos.

Hanging out with Grammy the Great in San Diego.

Charlotte and her several of her bio-siblings, Mariah, Alyssa, Vanessa, and baby Rebecca.

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